Point&Figure Pro

operation manual

Edit list for X-Axis margin

X-Axis margin listis editable as you want.

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How To

1. Open “DataSource Setting” window

SelectDataSource SettinginNavigationMenu.

2. Select DataSource

Tap the DataSource’s setting icon which you want change.


Look atbox rates rows. It’s value for0at first. ThenX-Axis margin listin chart window is automatically by the system. Tap theEDIT BOX RATESbutton.

4. Input values

box ratemeansx-axis margin. Input value and tap the'+' button. 'x' button is remove value.

Does you inputted some value you want? Then tap theOKbutton.

5. Save settings

Look atbox rates rows. Is it changed from0? Tap the SAVE button.

6. Show chart

X-Axis margin listis changed by your setting. Try choose these value.

That’s all. thank you :)

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